Fine Portraiture for the Exreme Pet Lover

Monday, December 12, 2011

My poor baby, get better!

I never thought I would be so happy to be peed on by my dog! The first pee since Thursday! Thursday he got some crazy allergic reaction to something and his entire little body turned red and inflamed. He went entirely crazy trying to scra...tch. Three trips to the vet later, one antibiotic shot, on trip to walgreens to get benedryl that I cant get down him, one long walk home from walgreens in the freezing cold for me cuz my car breaks down, one totally sticky dog because he wont take pills and sprays the benedryl all over his full length coat, one benedryl shot from the vet, followed by a dog that now can no longer walk! The next couple days would very harsh and sad. He could hardly lie down. He just sat here and looked very uncomfortable. So tired he kept falling asleep sitting up. NO pee for 3 days OMG. WE could not really hold him because he was so stiff. But now he is making progress! Yesterday he let me hold him a bit, and he was hungry and very thirsty. Able to lie down now and sleep! Yay! Keep getting better baby boy!